Opossum Pest Control


Why do I allow opossums to live in my yard?

Opossums, large marsupials, used to reside in the rural areas surrounding southern California, but people have since relocated them. Opossums haven’t had much of an option but to acclimate to human culture and learn to coexist with people as cities have encroached into rural areas. Opossums are frequently observed in areas near outside-accessible sources of food and water. Opossums, according to residents of southern California, frequent homes for a variety of reasons, including fruit trees, vegetable gardens, rubbish, pet food, ponds, and lawn pests. There are numerous various sizes of opossums. While some are only as large as mice, some can grow to be as large as house cats. They have long tails that resemble rat tails, hairy bodies, and pointed snouts with sharp teeth, making them simple to identify. Opossums are nocturnal creatures that prefer to spend the night in hidden areas like the undersides of buildings, decks, sheds, and trash cans. Because opossums are such unattractive creatures, people frequently become alarmed when they see one in the middle of the night. Opossums will hiss, display their pointed teeth, and occasionally even act lifeless when they feel threatened. Opossums, especially those that have been severely injured, are resilient creatures who can “play possums” to make you believe they are dead. Only skilled specialists should capture opossums since anyone else could harm them and spread disease.

To reduce the likelihood that opossums will settle on your property, remove all potential food and water sources. The pet food that was left outside should be brought inside before it becomes dark, and after getting rid of the trash, make sure they can’s lid is securely fastened. It’s crucial to regularly remove and clean up any fruit or vegetables that have fallen from ponds, fruit trees, or gardens.

Opossums Are Destructive

Opossums can find plenty of food in a variety of locations, including trash cans, lawn pests, pet food, vegetables, fruit, chickens, and other birds kept as pets. Opossums begin seeking a suitable location to construct their dens as soon as they discover a food source. It appears that a pregnant opossum has moved into your attic, crawl space, or wall. She is almost prepared to give birth. When it comes to having young, opossums have poor tendencies. In order to build a nest, insulating materials are typically torn. Once the nest is complete, the mother opossum will mark her territory by peeing and pooping inside it. It could wind up costing the home’s owner hundreds or even thousands of dollars to clean up and repair the damage the opossum causes the longer it stays in the attic. Businesses, individuals, and property management firms must immediately engage professionals to eradicate opossums.

Opossum Removal & Exclusion

Opossums are removed, trapped, and other measures are taken by Vista Pest Control Company to prevent them from returning. We also provide cleaning and repair services for homes and businesses that have been harmed by opossums. Starting a strategy to prevent opossums from returning straight away is advised for the best results. In addition to once-off treatments, we also provide services every two months and every three months. Call us immediately away at the aforementioned number if you have any inquiries concerning possum removal.

Change the insulation on the TAP

We will clean up the potentially hazardous urine and excrement that the opossums left behind once they have departed your property. Insulation with TAP insect control will be installed in its place when the damaged insulation has been removed and repaired. One sort of insulation that guards against heat loss, noise, and vermin is TAP Insulation. TAP is a kind of insulation created using natural fibers that have undergone a boric acid treatment. This increases its ability to withstand fire, better block out noise and heat, and effectively ward off pests. TAP kills ants, cockroaches, millipedes, silverfish, spiders, termites, and a variety of other pests, yet it can be used safely around humans and their pets. This item prevents unwanted animals from entering your home and prevents your home from losing heat in the winter and gaining heat in the summer.

A few quick facts about how opossums act


Throughout the night, opossums emerge to feed on plants, various small animals, rodents, and sometimes reptiles. In areas with sufficient food and water, they will remain grouped together. A possum may display its teeth, hiss, or behave as though it is dead if it senses that it is being pursued or threatened. Opossums are resilient creatures that may act lifeless while suffering severe wounds, fooling potential predators into believing they have passed away.


Opossums resemble places that are hidden, fortified, and free from predators and other animals. They frequently reside behind trash cans, beneath decks, in garages or sheds, in attics, and in other out-of-the-way locations. They will continue to reside there and bear children there as long as there is food and water nearby.


Opossums can cause significant damage to your property by rummaging through compost, dirt, and trash. They will occasionally build a nest in your attic using the insulation, and after they have established it as their territory, they will urinate there. Moreover, they have been observed eating small birds like hens and pet food. Opossums are capable of transmitting fleas from one animal to another. The more possums you end up having to get rid of, the longer you wait to cure them.


It’s crucial to have a skilled expert catch and remove opossums since they can spread disease and other pests like fleas and bed bugs. Opossums are removed, trapped, and other measures are taken by Vista Pest Control Company to prevent them from returning. We also provide cleaning and repair services for homes and businesses that have been harmed by opossums. Starting a strategy to prevent opossums from returning straight away is advised for the best results. In addition to once-off treatments, we also provide services every two months and every three months. Call us immediately away at the aforementioned number if you have any inquiries concerning possum removal.


Vist Pest Control has been a full service residential and commercial pest control company for more than a decade.

We are a locally owned company that is well established in our local communities. 


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